4 Nature-Based, Experiential Interventions

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Learn 4 Nature-Based, experiential interventions that can promote reflection and further connection to Nature.

Presented by:
 Aimee Frazier (she/her) MA, Professional Counselor Associate from Portland Hiking Therapy


1. Have participated in 4 Nature-based, experiential interventions that they can use with individuals they work with. [Note: activities can be modified for work with people of all ages.]

2. Understand basic terminology related to place identity, environmental identity, place attachment.

3. Be able to articulate 1-2 ways that the application of these concepts can be valuable in working with individuals/ groups in a nature-based setting.

1 CE Available***click here after watching video for quiz and certificate.

***All CE eligible classes will meet OBLPCT guidelines. If you’d like to receive CEs through a governing board such as NASW, please contact us.***


Abram, David. (1996). “The Spell of the Sensuous”. Vintage.

Clayton S. (2003). “Environmental identity: A conceptual and an operational definition,” in Identity and the natural environment: The psychological significance of nature, eds Clayton S., Opotow S. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; ), 45–66.

Doherty, T.J., Amel, E.L., Clayton, S., Manning, C., White, K. E.,  Sebree, D. and Hudson, K. (August 2022) Environmental Identity-Based Counseling and Psychotherapies: A New Agenda in the Era of Climate Change. American Psychological Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN

Dwyer, L., Chen, N., Lee, J. (2019). The role of place attachment in tourism research. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(5), 645-652.

Korpela, K.M., Kytta, M. Hartig, T. (2002). Children’s favorite places: Restorative experience, self-regulation and children’s place preferences. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22, 387-398

Manzo, L., & Devine-Wright, P. (Eds.). (2021). Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications (2nd ed.). Routledge. 

Scannell, L., Gifford, R. (2014). Comparing the theories of interpersonal and place attachment. In: L. Manzo, P. Devine-Wright (Eds.), Place attachment: Advances in theory, methods, and research (pp. 23-36). New York: Routledge/ Francis & Taylor

University of Washington (2018). Place Attachment and Meaning. https://depts.washington.edu/hhwb/Thm_Place.html


Aimee Frazier
Email:  Aimee@PortlandHikingTherapy.com
Instagram: PortlandHikingTherapy
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aimeet1/
Website: PortlandHikingTherapy.com