Nature Based Workbook

As a group leader are you more like a fish, a bird, a bear, a mountain, a river, a thunderstorm, or something else within Nature? Explore this and many other thought-provoking questions, complemented with a fresh take on social-emotional learning, to help you navigate group dynamics with children and teens that promote the opportunity for everyone to thrive.

Whether you’re new to navigating group dynamics or well experienced, this workbook will offer a creative perspective to hone your authentic group leader style. Nature will be your primary teacher by amplifying the everyday wisdom you have already encountered within your lived ecosystems. After all, humans are mammals and exist within a greater ecosystem.

This is not a “how-to” workbook with step-by-step instructions on how to navigate every interpersonal situation, there are simply too many variables to capture. Instead, this workbook acknowledges and helps to promote your already-established unique skills and strengths, adds tools that help complement your preferred style, and builds awareness regarding how to appropriately navigate situations safely from a well-informed approach.

Click here to purchase the workbook!


This workbook was written as a training tool to help professionals reflect on their own group leadership styles in conjunction with group consultation after completing each chapter. If you or your staff are interested in further integrating group leadership skills into practice by participating in consultation groups, please complete this interest form.