Workplace Group Consultation Agenda

A 2 hour consultation with a staff group that works at a school helping kids. This consultation was specially tailored to address identified needs including: mindfulness/being present, improving communication, examining personal scripts/views of the world, conversations on how to be aware of people’s resources, and reflections on work environment.

Workplace Group Consultation Agenda (2 hours)

My Introduction (10 minutes)
-introduce self and style
-provide brief agenda

Create Space for Being More Present (10 minutes)
-highlight not doing introductions yet, create space to be more present
-talk about how we tend to forget to make sure our bodies are present
-“How do you get more present and make sure both your mind and body is here?”
–e.g. stretching, meditating, movement, breathing
-provide a few minutes for people to use their preferred way to be more present

Introductions (15 minutes)
-go around circle for introductions
–name, and what thing in nature best represents you when at home/relaxed vs. work/stressed?
-reflect on relationships highlighted
–why this workshop? what are everyone’s hopes? 
-reflect on answers, explore how this can be further incorporated into workshop

Non-Verbal Mindfulness Group Activity (10 minutes)
-introduce fun non-verbal mindfulness activity
-encourage focus solely on the activity
-challenge abilities
-reflect on experience, what improves non-verbal communication

Verbal Mindfulness Group Activity (10 minutes)
-tossing imaginary ball
-incorporate different topics related to equity 
–e.g. gender, ethnicity, income, family origin, language, ability, resources
-group reflection; what happens when you try to balance/include everything to be aware of?

Challenging Pre-Defined Scripts; 2 Groups (20 minutes)
-break into 2 groups, each person grabs however many items they want from a basket
-each group has to come up with a game (they define what this is) 
–groups are given different areas to work in to provide different opportunities for game
-groups play game for a few minutes, and adapts as needed
-one person from each group goes to the other group and gets taught the game
-discuss observations of activity
–e.g. experiences, preconceived notions of what a game is, what are similarities/differences in everyone’s scripts for a game
-relate back to equity conversation
–e.g. what resources we have, how we navigate the world

Small Group Discussion (10 minutes)
-highlight use of nature based metaphor
-remember how they identified themselves at beginning of group
–how do they all fit into an eco-system?
–what is the environment you work in like?
–what do each thing in the work environment represent; go through layers
–what boundaries are there?
–how to stay safe? healthy?

Large Group Discussion (10 minutes)
-small groups share reflection
-ask questions to deepen conversations/perspectives
-explore areas for change? and what does this mean?

Large Group Setting Boundaries Activity (10 minutes)
-each person gets a role in eco-system
-what does it need to thrive? what resources?
-how do they all fit together? can they all co-exist in healthy eco-system?

Relaxation Activity (5 minutes)
-lead a group agreed upon relaxation activity to decompress
–(e.g. progressive muscle relaxation, fun activity, guided meditation)

Saying Goodbye (10 minutes)
-overall reflections/questions
-what have you gained? what do you want to let go of?
-highlight importance of rituals: SHAKE IT OFF!