Personal Nature Retreat Agenda

“A 2 hour personal retreat tailored to clients needs of doing a ceremony to let go of past events/traumas and celebrating growth. Client discussed during consultation how to prepare for ceremony and what they specifically want to happen during retreat. Retreat included: grounding, mindfulness, and time to engage in, reflect, and process ceremony using nature.”

Personal Nature Retreat Agenda

Introduction/Orientation (15 minutes)
-introduce self and style
-start campfire during discussion
-orient to space
-review agenda, adapt if changes needed
-check in on thoughts/feelings

Provide Space for Body Check-In (5 minutes)
-client uses space to stretch and ground

Progressive Muscle Relaxation/Guided Meditation (15 minutes)
-guide client in previously discussed tailored muscle relaxation leading to guided meditation focused on growth

Starting Ceremony (5 minutes)
-highlight beginning of ceremony based on clients requests
–e.g. music, sage, drums

Ceremony Content (35 minutes)
-client reads writing previously discussed in consultation
–one writing focused on what they are letting go of, providing space to further discuss and reflect, and then burning in the fire when ready to fully let go
–one writing highlighting what they want to hold onto, how they want to continue growing

Ending Ceremony (5 minutes)
-end ceremony based on clients requests to celebrate process
–e.g. music, sage, drums, make s’mores, put out fire

Mindfulness Walk in Nature (15 minutes)
-walk with client in nature to connect and further process ceremony
-talk about nature based metaphors

Reflection on Growth (10 minutes)
-during walk have client find something in nature that draw their attention
–e.g. something that highlights their next growth phase
-provide space for client to sit and journal reflections
-discuss how this can be incorporated into new perspective

Relaxation/Grounding Activity (10 minutes)
-lead client in agreed upon relaxation activity to decompress and celebrate process
–(e.g. art, music, yoga, dance)

Saying Goodbye (5 minutes)
-overall reflections/questions
-what have you gained? what do you want to let go of?
-highlight importance of rituals: SHAKE IT OFF!